Monday, August 31, 2009

Paleolithic Diet: Day 28 - Backed up!!

Since yesterday or so.. I’ve been “backed up” in the fecal-machine. Yep. I’m constipated. Now, I’m not so constipated that I can’t eat… nor does my tummy hurt. But things aren’t “flowing” the way they should be.

I have very little in terms of theories to attempt to answer this riddle… all I know is I hope it rights itself.

I will keep you updated!

Today’s Menu:

Breakfast: 1 extra-small Local Cantaloupe

Snack: 1 Pear

Lunch: 2 LaraBars – Cherry Pie

- Dates

- Cherries

- Almonds

Snack: 4 Figs

Dinner: Blueberry and Avocado Salad

- 1/2 cup Romaine

- 1/2 cup Mixed Greens

- small pint of Wild Blueberries

- 1 Avocado

- fresh squeezed Lime

- Chives

- 1 Celery Stalk

Snack: N/A


Nutritional Analysis:


Physical and Emotional Changes:

1. Craved a lot of carbs today. Not sure why… wasn’t feeling “meaty”.
