Friday, March 19, 2010

Fibromyalgia - Avoid Acidity

Eliminating some particular habits is one of the basic things for any Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue patient, as well as for anybody who suffers of a chronic disease.

 We did not become sick within a day, a week or a month. I dare say we did not even become sick within a year. One of the most successful physicians regarding fibromyalgia, Dr. Sacher, says that it takes more than 10 years until the body shows symptoms of fibromyalgia. 

Chronic diseases take years and years to occur. That is why they are chronic. The good news is that it is entirely in our hands to change that. 

Chronic sickness in itself is a bad habit and it involves a whole complex of several bad habits. The causes can be summed up in one word: distress. Chronic diseases go most of the time along with toxic and mental stress. On both we can get a handle. Both are entirely in our own hands. 

A chronic disease calls for a change of our habits – ALWAYS.

When having a chronic illness like Fibromyalgia the most crucial thing is avoiding more acidity. The muscle pain you have comes to a great extent from acidity. 


Step #1 in reducing acidity is: avoid sodas

Fibromyalgia & Acidois

fibromyalgia & acidoses (source of picture:

This is very important. If you have any form of rheumatism, arthritis, weight problems, stiffness, etc.  (or if you simply want to remain healthy) then you cannot afford to drink any soft-drinks (pop, soda), because they are very acidic and toxic. You really strictly have to avoid them. This is even more important when you have Fibromyalgia. If I were you I would not allow any exceptions here. Soft drinks make your body more acidic and this is exactly what you absolutely cannot have. (Ignore this point to your own peril.)

Of course this is also very much true for your children. If they never start drinking Coke and other pops they will not have to quit. Soft drinks are kind of addictive.

My suggestion is: replace any soft drinks with water. Your pursuit will reward you with extra money you can then invest in the right health products and high quality food. At the beginning you might face some “withdrawal symptoms”, but they are harmless. This is simply because the body can become addicted to sugar. But this does not mean that your body really needs it. 

You have only one health Take care of it!

Hope and health,

Maja Iten

Natural Health & Life Coach

P.S. If you want to get more in-depth information on reducing acidity (acidoses) please go to and sign up as a Free or a Gold Member. This article is part of the month #3 Fibro Health Letter  for Free Members and week #6 issue for Gold Members. It’s a 17-page article not only explaining what to avoid but also giving alternatives.


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