Friday, March 19, 2010

She Said, He Said... about Chronic Pain

Do you remember back in the 1990’s when a self-help guru boasted claims that any relationship could be fixed if we would just realize that men and women are wired differently?  Men were apparently not of this world, they were Martians…. And us women?  Well we were from Venus… and just knowing that fact was going to somehow change our lives…. Well John Gray, the author of the Mars/Venus books was actually on to something… We ARE wired differently… And that rings true for men and women that suffer from Chronic Pain.

A new survey on shows the gender differences in how we experience and perceive chronic pain.  This study is part of a new educational campaign, “She Said, He Said: Understanding Gender and Pain”.

Did you know that 59% of women believe that others view them as “complainers” in regards to their pain and only  36% of men feel the same?  Did you know that just over half of women (53%) wish family members would take their pain more seriously, and almost 50% also believe that men are taken more seriously than women are in the Doctor’s office?

We might have differences when it comes to Chronic Pain, but we have some similarities as well.  This study found similarities in areas such as pain intensity, and the effect that pain has on interpersonal relationships.

When it comes to chronic pain, are men and women living on different planets?

If you have a few minutes, click on the link and go check it out for yourself… It really was worth the read…

Happy Friday, and hugs and love to all of you!!


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